- Longitude: 11°07’,08 E.
- Latitude: 42°26’,41 N.
- Time zone: GMT +1.
- Business hours: 24 h.
- Anchorage point: 42° 26’, 492 N - 011° 08’, 120 E.
- Distance from closest ports (miles): Civitavecchia 46, Livorno 79, Capri 187, Viareggio 99, Isola d’Elba 42, Corsica 78.
- Pier and mooring: length 130m, depth 7m, muddy ground.
- Services: pilotage, mooring and unmooring, weather forecasts, fire-fighting service, divers, rubbish collection on board.
- 18 Berths for vessels up to 24 m. in length, with supply of electricity and water in the dock.
- Free mooring in the harbour: 0.5 mile from the port.
- Longitude: 11°06’56”E.
- Latitude: 42°26’28”N.
- Time zone: GMT + 1.
- Business hours: 24h.
- Distance from closest ports (miles): Civitavecchia 46, Livorno 79, Capri 187, Viareggio 99, Isola d’Elba 42, Corsica 78.
- Pier and mooring: stern mooring, at the pier.
- Free mooring in the harbour: 0.5 mile from the port.
- Berths for vessels up to 24 m. in length, with supply of electricity and water in the dock.
- 2 places for units up to 80m length with supply of electricity and water in the dock.
- 8 places for units up to 50m length with supply of electricity and water in the dock.